Welcome to Aslan Class

Welcome to Year 6

We are Aslan class, the final class at SBS. Our Aslan children act as leaders and role models in our school. Each year, every member of Aslan class buddies one of our newest pupils in Gruffalo, showing them ‘the ropes’ and supporting them as they start their own school journey.

Aslan class is also a stepping stone to secondary and we work closely with our local secondary schools to support the children in transitioning smoothly to their next school.

Keep scrolling for information about Aslan class and a few helpful resources from the Key Stage 2 team.

Aslan class charter

Why are we called Aslan?

Aslan is a kind and just leader who guides and inspires others. He faces challenges but remains steadfast and stands up for what he believes in. In school, we learn to have the courage to make the kind and just choices - even when these are not the easiest choice. Our Aslan children aspire to lead by example and embody our school vision.

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

James I:12

What are our dreams and ambitions this year?

  1. We aspire to always challenge ourselves to be the best that we can be and to never stop doing the things we love.

  2. We dream of finding creative ways to look after our beautiful planet and the universe around us.

What makes Aslan Class 2023-24 special?

We are role models to the school. We take care of our buddies and everyone around us.

  1. We are supportive of each other and we want everyone to reach their potential.

  2. We are kind and treat each other with equal respect.

Useful documents